Training young entrepreneurs

YEEL’s long-awaited training program began in early December 2020 . Over the next year, 50 young women and men will receive hands-on training in entrepreneurship and job readiness that will secure their future livelihoods.

Half of the youth will work on their business ideas where they will learn everything about operating a small business such as administration, finance, sales, marketing, distribution etc. YEEL will support these upcoming entrepreneurs through all stages and also provide 8-months business mentoring including seed funding and access to professional networks that can help them succeed.

The other 25 young participants will develop their employability skills through a comprehensive job readiness program that in the end will ensure they get a job. The participants will among other things improve their presentation skills and job applications. In collaboration with our private sector partners, they will also receive long-term internships and job placements.

Last but not least, many youth from the displacement affected communities suffer from significant mental health traumas. Our supporting partner, Iftiin Foundation, will provide psycho-education and counselling to all our participants to re-connected them with their communities and reduce the impact of their mental traumas.